SLHC Awards Register

Suburban Lions HC Awards Register                
Perpetual Awards Description/Criteria Award Process 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Presidents Cup Men Fairest & Best male player Nominations from senior coaching group (1/2's)   Jack Antill Haseef Salim Shaun Ray & Cam McNeill Fraser Dudfield Jack Antill
    Decision by Head Coach & VP, Men   & Fraser Dudfield   Mitchell Pace      
Presidents Cup Women Fairest & Best female player Nominations from senior coaching group (1/2's) Tarryn Bright Gitte Michel Kirstin Dwyer Ruby-Rose Hayward Charlotte Owens Kirsten Dwyer Georgina Dowd
    Decision by Head Coach & VP, Women              
Vynka Honan Trophy for Goalkeepers Fairest & Best goalkeeper Nomination and decision by sub-group of goalie coordinators & junior coordinator Jocelyn Bartram Jordan Moore Ruby-Rose Haywood Oliver Higgins Debbie Teahan Rosie Jeanes Will Stapleton
  Can be senior or junior Lindsey Wright, Greg Corbitt, Lindsey Wright              
Syd Johnson Champion Team The team that has accomplished                
  an outstanding acheivement in the season Nomination and decision from sub-group of Womens 6's Promotion 1 Women Premier 1 Women Womens Provisional 1 Masters O40/3 Div 7 Women Men's Metro 2
  Consider context of challenge/achievement Mens, Womens, Vets VP's & Junior Coordinator              
  Typically a senior team but could be junior                
Bevan Lawrence Club Person of the Year Award Outstanding contribution to the Club wide call for nominations Brad Ladyman Eddie Singhe Shaun Ray Robyn Kalajzic Vicki McAllister Pete Fairweather Kerry Osling
Year Award club on or off the field Decision by Bevan Lawrence              
Master Player of the Year Presented by Cranecorp VP, Masters to seek nominations and decide N/A   Peter Fairweather   Adrian Miller Vaughan Cockerill Monuca Lee
  Fairest & Best masters player                
Junior Player of the Year Presented by Cranecorp Juniors Coordinator to seek nominations and decide N/A Jolie Sertorio Nicole Enslin Seb Chandraratna Tilly Banfield Matthew Lough Sophie Baltis
  Fairest & Best junior player J5/6 - J11/12                
Life Membership   Nominations can come from anyone Tracy Antill   Jeff Ekert Don O'Brien      
    Club Committee recommendation decided by President              
Hockey WA Awards                  
Hockey WA Rachelle Hawkes Award 2020 Fairest & Best youth player of the year WA           Amy Lawton (awarded)    

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